that will now show you the previously hidden library folder under your user name.in that window, type the following: "~/library/Application Support/" (without the quotation marks, obviously).instead, click on the "go" menu and then select "go to folder".But, the whole "library/application support/" subfolder structure will itself be hidden - meaning you can't easily find it. The thing to realize is that the folder will be under your "user" folders in Finder and, more specifically, in the "library" subfolder and, even more specifically, under the "Application Support" subfolder of the library subfolder of your user folder structure.

So I spent hours going "where the is the folder? Making it worse, the folder is hidden (at least it was for me). The key is that there is a specific folder that they have to be installed in. So this is the "hard" part (for the noob, or this noob, anyway) and is the meat of this guide.